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    • 977 metres of graphitic mineralisation intersected from 1,204 total
    metres in the first trench (T1)
    • Further extensive mineralisation found in the next two trenches
    (T4 and T6)
    • No deleterious elements seen in outcrop sample analyses.
    Uranex Limited (ASX: UNX) (“Uranex” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide an
    update of the exploration activities on the 100% owned Nachu Project.
    Since the previous announcement the Uranex geology team at the project has
    discovered further significant intersections of graphitic schists on the tenement.
    Trenching Observations:
    Trench T1
    The first trench (T1 in Figure 1) in the southern part of the tenement (results partially
    reported in an announcement on 24 June 2013) was completed on 25 June 2013. A
    total of 977 metres of graphitic schists were intersected from the 1,204 metres of
    trenching in T1. The trench heading was approximately 64o west of north and the
    interpreted strike of the mineralisation is at 13o east of north.
    The eastern part of this trench was extended to test the area where an outcrop
    sample assayed 54% Cg. In this extension, graphite mineralisation was found to be
    present along the entire length of the trench and the subjective assessment is that we
    have large graphite flakes present at an elevated concentration. However, the
    geologists have not yet found any continuous area where the very high grade sample
    may have originated. This area is currently being reviewed and it is anticipated that
    the trench will be extended further to the east.
    251 samples from this trench have been received at the laboratory and are being
    processed. The summary of the logged intersections can be found in Table 1 below.
    From the initial observations of the mineralised outcrops the strike of the
    mineralisation appeared to be oriented generally to the west of north but as more
    information has become available from the trenching, the dominant strike direction
    now appears to be east of north. From other regional geology reports, the regional
    strike of the Mozambique Belt Metamorphics is reported as approximately north-south
    but this trench is ranging from 15 degrees east to 15 degrees west of north. The
    observations in the trenches are showing a localised deviation from the main
    ABN 26 115 111 763
    Level 3
    15 Queen Street
    Melbourne VIC 3000
    Ph: (03) 9621 1533
    Fax: (03) 9621 1544
    [email protected]
    ASX Code: UNX
    Number of Shares
    211.5M Ordinary Shares
    188M Options
    8.25M Unlisted Options
    Market Capital
    A$12.5 million
    Board of Directors
    Johann Jacobs
    Stephen Hunt
    Non-executive Director
    Frank Poullas
    Non-executive Director
    Rodney Chittenden
    Chief Executive Officer
    John Nethersole
    Company Secretary
    Nachu Graphite Results
    Page 2 of 5
    Telephone: + 61 (0)3 9621 1533 Level 3, 15 Queen Street
    Facsimile: + 61 (0)3 9621 1544 ABN 26 115 111 763 Melbourne VIC 3000
    E-mail: [email protected] ASX Code: UNX Australia
    Interval Length
    Lithology Mineralisation
    0.0 65.7 65.7 Schist Graphitic
    65.7 71.0 5.3 Schist
    71.0 207.4 136.4 Schist Graphitic
    207.4 215.0 7.6 Dolomite
    215.0 229.0 14.0 Dolomite Graphitic
    229.0 250.0 21.0 Schist Graphitic
    250.0 308.0 58.0 Dolomite
    308.0 312.0 4.0 Schist Graphitic
    312.0 332.2 20.2 Pegmatite
    332.2 364.6 32.4 Dolomite Graphitic
    364.6 375.0 10.4 Schist Graphitic
    375.0 396.0 21.0 Dolomite
    396.0 413.0 17.0 Amphibolite
    413.0 467.0 54.0 Schist Graphitic
    467.0 477.3 10.3 Dolomite
    477.3 520.0 42.7 Schist Graphitic
    520.0 555.0 35.0 Quartz mica schist Graphitic
    555.0 575.0 20.0 Biotite schist Graphitic
    575.0 595.0 20.0 Quartz mica schist Graphitic
    595.0 615.0 20.0 Quartz schist Graphitic
    615.0 675.0 60.0 Quartz mica schist Graphitic
    675.0 695.0 20.0 Quartz biotite schist
    695.0 725.0 30.0 Quartz schist Graphitic
    725.0 731.0 6.0 Amphibolite
    731.0 745.0 14.0 Quartz schist Graphitic
    745.0 752.0 7.0 Quartz mica schist
    752.0 855.0 103.0 Quartz schist Graphitic
    855.0 864.8 9.8 Dolomite
    864.8 930.0 65.2 Quartz schist Graphitic
    930.0 1000.0 70.0 Schist Graphitic
    1000.0 1029.0 29.0 Quartz mica schist
    1029.0 1125.0 96.0 Schist Graphitic
    1125.0 1140.0 15.0 Quartz schist
    1140.0 1204.0 64.0 Schist Graphitic
    Table 1 - Geology of Trench T1
    Nachu Graphite Results
    Page 3 of 5
    Telephone: + 61 (0)3 9621 1533 Level 3, 15 Queen Street
    Facsimile: + 61 (0)3 9621 1544 ABN 26 115 111 763 Melbourne VIC 3000
    E-mail: [email protected] ASX Code: UNX Australia
    Trench T4
    The next trench (T4 in Figure 1) was completed on 4 July 2013 and was designed to test an area in the
    south west of the tenement where some outcropping graphitic mineralisation and a narrow high grade
    zone was discovered during exploration in May 2013. Whilst the narrow high grade zone was confirmed,
    no other similar occurrences of the high grade zone were found. This trench did identify 274.4 metres of
    graphitic mineralisation from a total trench length of 436 metres. This trench commenced at 8 898 573 N
    and 482 965 E and proceeded on heading 32o east of north. The summary of the logged intersections
    can be found in Table 2. In T4 the strike direction is very close to east-west, this was expected from the
    initial observations.
    Trench T6
    The final trench (T6 in Figure 1), reported on in this release, commenced on July 5 2013 and was
    completed on July 14 2013 with a total length of 437.9 metres of graphitic mineralisation recorded from
    the total trench length of 1,006 metres.
    Significant sections of this trench were characterised by soil depths to the full depth of the trench. These
    areas will be tested with some in-trench pits to determine whether there is any mineralisation below the
    Trench T6 commenced at 8 907 636 N and 485 751 E and proceeded at 270o (west). The summary of the
    intersections can be found in Table 3.
    Interval Length
    Lithology Mineralisation
    0.0 5.0 5.0 Quartz schist
    5.0 6.1 1.1 Schist Graphitic
    6.1 8.8 2.7 Pegmatite
    8.8 20.0 11.2 Biotite schist, Schist Graphitic
    20.0 26.1 6.1 Schist Graphitic
    26.1 60.2 34.1 Biotite schist Graphitic
    60.2 68.4 8.2 Biotite schist
    68.4 135.2 66.8 Biotite schist, Schist Graphitic
    135.2 143.0 7.8 Schist
    143.0 200.1 57.1 Schist Graphitic
    200.1 212.6 12.5 Soil Graphitic
    212.6 228.3 15.7 Quartz-biotite schist Graphitic
    228.3 236.7 8.4 Soil
    236.7 248.9 12.2 Quartz-biotite schist
    248.9 269.0 20.1 Biotite schist Graphitic
    269.0 278.4 9.4 Fericrete Graphitic
    278.4 310.8 32.4 Schist Graphitic
    310.8 351.0 40.2 Quartz schist
    351.0 358.9 7.9 Fericrete Graphitic
    358.9 436.0 77.1 Fericrete
    Table 2 - Geology of Trench T4
    Nachu Graphite Results
    Page 4 of 5
    Telephone: + 61 (0)3 9621 1533 Level 3, 15 Queen Street
    Facsimile: + 61 (0)3 9621 1544 ABN 26 115 111 763 Melbourne VIC 3000
    E-mail: [email protected] ASX Code: UNX Australia
    In - Trench Pitting
    In- trench pitting has commenced on T1 and T4 to test selected positions where mineralisation needs to
    be probed at greater depth. Several pits have been completed to a point where it is impractical to
    continue in the harder unweathered zone.
    Other Elements
    An ICP-MS analysis of the outcrop samples taken in February and May 2013 was also conducted to
    determine any indication of other mineralisation or deleterious elements in the schists. These results
    showed that there was no significant levels of deleterious elements which may have had an impact on
    project approvals or product quality. Analysis for these elements will continue on trench sample
    Interval Length
    Lithology Mineralisation
    0 7.3 7.3 Biotite-Amphibolite
    7.3 59.5 52.2 Quartz schist Graphitic
    59.5 139.8 80.3 Quartz-mica schist, Pegmatite
    139.8 186.3 46.5 Soil to depth of trench
    186.3 196.5 10.2 Quartz schist Graphitic
    196.5 209.5 13 Pegmatite
    209.5 341 131.5 Quartz schist, Soil Graphitic
    341 347.4 6.4 Quartz-mica schist
    347.4 388.2 40.8 Soil Graphitic
    388.2 428.8 40.6 Quartz-mica schist Graphitic
    428.8 458.7 29.9 Quartz-mica schist, Soil
    458.7 518.2 59.5 Quartz-mica schist Graphitic
    518.2 626.8 108.6 Quartz-mica schist
    626.8 655.4 28.6 Quartz-mica schist Graphitic
    655.4 668.2 12.8 Quartz-mica schist
    668.2 687.4 19.2 Quartz-mica schist Graphitic
    687.4 709.7 22.3 Mica schist
    709.7 732.1 22.4 Amphibole-mica schist Graphitic
    732.1 736.6 4.5 Pegmatite Graphitic
    736.6 746.5 9.9 Amphibole-mica schist Graphitic
    746.5 816 69.5 Quartz-mica schist, Pegmatite
    816 834.5 18.5 Schist Graphitic
    834.5 858.3 23.8 Soil
    858.3 929 70.7 Amphibole-mica schist
    929 1006 77 Soil
    Table 3 - Geology of Trench T6
    Nachu Graphite Results
    Page 5 of 5
    Telephone: + 61 (0)3 9621 1533 Level 3, 15 Queen Street
    Facsimile: + 61 (0)3 9621 1544 ABN 26 115 111 763 Melbourne VIC 3000
    E-mail: [email protected] ASX Code: UNX Australia
    Future work
    Trenching and pitting work will continue on the planned trenches. Until analytical results are received,
    visual observations are being made by the geologists, while logging the trenches, of the estimated grade
    and flake size in the mineralised zones.. This is acting as a guide for decisions on how the remaining
    planned trenches will be scheduled.
    Figure 1 – Tenement map showing the location of the planned trenches.
    Rod Chittenden
    Chief Executive Officer
    For further information, please contact: Tel: + 61 (0)3 9621 1533
    Information in this report that relates to Exploration Targets, Exploration results, Mineral resources or Ore reserves is
    based on information compiled by Mr. Johan Erasmus, a Competent Person who is a registered member of the
    South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) which is an Recognised Professional
    Organisation (RPO) included in a list posted on the ASX website. Mr. Erasmus is an consultant of Badger Mining
    and Consulting, Johannesburg, South Africa who were engaged by the company to undertake this work. Mr.
    Erasmus has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under
    consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined by the 2012
    Edition of the Australasian Code for reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Mr
    Erasmus consents to the inclusion of the data in the form and context in which it appears.
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