You seem to have over-dosed again on that special brew
For someone who puports to have such a Huge Kahuna Stake in ESG , the biggest ever disclosed in this Clinic, you seem to have a Blind spot for the effect of a NO Vote
Computer says :
IF Vote = NO Then Sp <= 30cps
AND CR at 20cps just to stay alive
ESG is Kaput without STO as some posters have pointed to the Audit commentary in the Annual Report
It is a busted egg
It is a dead parrot
SEE Page 78 and take it into the Space
And just STOP pushing the line that from out of some hole or from behind some rock a phalanx of Other-Bidders will swarm upon ESG and bid up the price
When you pass between two mirrors are you surprised to see the light make your ears glow
Correct this by Letting RATIONALISM enter your Space, feel the one way trip of rational thought filling then triggering a revelation
Take off the pyjamas and come down from the top bunk
ESG Price at posting:
75.0¢ Sentiment: Hold Disclosure: Held