another abbott failure, page-24

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    "the hypocracy of the left trying to spin the death of an ex-PM wife into a vote winner.... let her rest in peace Laborites rather than tie her to another Labor decimation at the polls."

    Which bit of the above do you classify as falling under the banner of

    "do not speak ill of the dead."

    These labor propagandists, both paid and unpaid, have done the dirty work of associating the recently departed Margret Whitlam to their lame attempt smear and hurl mud at Tony Abbott for his respectful and common sense comments...

    It is expected that the opposition leader will be asked for and give his comments on such an sad occasion...

    What is disrespectful and disgraceful is the labor spin-jockeys and propagandists attempts to twist Tony Abbott's comments about a great labor figure in Margret Whitlam's for the purposes of labor propaganda and character assassination...

    Is nothing off-limits to labor propagandists and operatives or does the "get-Tony-Abbott-whatever-it-takes-no-tactics-too-low-or-too-extreme" mentality we saw clearly demonstrated by the failed attempt seemingly by labor staffers very close to Gillard to forment and stoke racial violence and racial rioting on Australia day still active among labor propagandists and operatives?

    Hang your heads in shame for what you are doing to the memory of the great Margret Whitlam...

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