another boat sunk 60 missing, page-8

  1. 12,087 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 242
    You are blaming the Libs for the boatpeople disaster. Amazing.

    When Lab cam to power there was no problem, it had been fixed. Labor made this problem.

    Having made the disease the ALP then denied it existed. It wasn't them it was Push Factors, then More Come by Plane Anyway, then It is only a Trickle, years to fill the MCG, then they were good people anyway.

    The ALP has caused this by its muddle headed confusion. We had to stop the inhumane Pacific Solution. Couldn't have TPVs, Couldn't keep people in detention. All now admitted to be wrong and reversed.

    The current argument is that it is a "Regional Problem". More amazing denial. The only reason these Arabs and Persians are coming to the region is to get to Australia.

    Australia is a first world lucky country with a hole in its fence that clever third world residents are pouring through before we close it.

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