another boat with150 capsizes, page-12

  1. 29,310 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80

    I give up. Lets just have a shuttle service with Qantas flying them over safely from Jakarta, with Visa-dispensing machines at Australian airports. Got to be cheaper & more efficient than whats happening recently. Charge them $15000 each, so a Boeing 737 can earn just on $2million a trip.
    Split the proceeds with Qantas, and half can go towards all Australians being given $3 million to re-locate to Tuscany or the Greek Islands. All we're achieving at the moment is justifying the Carbon Tax with all the hot air being generated by garbage political rhetoric on the issue.
    So give me my $3 mill, Julia,and I'm off....the wine and Wild Boar Prosciuto in Tuscany beckons.

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