australia is not a racist country, how many people got murdered...

  1. 224 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    australia is not a racist country, how many people got murdered because of their religeon today in australia? the answer would be none.

    Racism is rife in developing nations. Thats right racism does exist beyond the realms of white skin. But when people are murdered because of their religeon in a black country it can be called a civil war, or such like.

    However australia being the good fair country it is, will and should take people in need subject to a character/background check.

    Travelling to australia via a clapped out boat should not be allowed, those poor buggers are being stripped of what little wealth they have by undesirable types and risk their lives to get here, to them its risk reward, they stay they die, they leave by boat they "may" die.

    Regardless of the immigrants financial state or background, most want the same as the typical aussie, a fair go, food a roof over their head and a job. Most of all they want safety.

    Immigration is required to sustain this countries future, but we need proper regulations allow the right people in. That means judging people by the context of their character not religeon or colour of skin.

    Lest we forget
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