Another chilling echo from the past, page-8

  1. 17,269 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 469
    Happy punter, lets not talk about who it doesn't apply to. Let's just talk for a moment about who it does apply to. We are talking about a man who has been a US citizen for 30 years and whose son was a US army captain who gave his life fighting the exact stereotype that you described in your first post. This son gave his life trying to protect his US comrades from a suicide bomber. We are talking about a man who had to cancel his travel plans to Canada where he was scheduled to give a talk on unity and tolerance. What we are not talking about is a man who fits the description of your stereotypical propaganda inspired image of a Muslim as one who is guilty of, and I quote you verbatim, "spates of random bombings, mass shootings, driving trucks into crowds."

    But that is the problem, isn't it. Underneath all the labels we are all human. We are all capable of the most inspiring acts of humanity and of the vilest acts of human rights violation. The problem is that when you start to apply "one size fits all" labels as you so carelessly did in your initial response to my post you are in danger of destroying all that our society holds dear.

    As for your conclusion that my parallel was a stretch please forgive me if I vehemently disagree with you. The German Jewish WW1 soldiers had displayed their loyalty as German citizens yet just as you categorized Khizr Khan with your stereotype so were those Jewish soldiers labeled by the stereotype concocted by the Nazis. No one is seen as an individual, just as a "type". God help us all.

    On the bright side however at least I consider you worthy of a response. When I think of the millions of Jewish women, children, babies and elderly who were ruthless exterminated in the holocaust as I read Dumah666's justification for the Nazi action I am disgusted beyond words. I will not be engaging in debate with him again.
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