Is it actually possible that we are introducing potential...

  1. 23,111 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 827
    Is it actually possible that we are introducing potential harmful co2 etc into the atmosphere via fossil fuels etc but this has zero effect on the worlds tempreture or the rising sea levels?
    Is it possible that some of the arguements are mutually exclusive?

    There has been no proof that the planet is warming yet there is and always has been climate change. ummmm...where did the ice age come from? ok...probably scientologists but thats another arguement lol.
    Does that mean it should be ignored? Hell no! but we should be careful that we are not looking for solutions to the problems that is convenient to blame on man made use.
    Surely if we can emitt CO2 that is doing so much damage why can't we generate oxygen to compensate?
    My suggestion is that we are not looking for solutions but rather to lay blame and make token attempts to fix something that we are not 100% sure what is caused by.

    Take the logic of Australia as the great polluters because of our per capita emmissions and the fact that we have out grown % emmissions at a higher rate than any other country per capita. Like derrrr..we are the fastest growing with one of the smallest populations.
    But that is like saying because you build a new Alcoa in Wagga Wagga and in 5 years times Wagga Wagga has the highest emmissions then the worlds problems are because of Wagga Wagga.
    An ETS is just plain unworkable. It is like fining motorists for speeding. Great for raising revenue but it doesn't stop them.
    Look for solutions not penalties and I believe that Australia will be severely penalized with an ETS.

    All imo of course
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