another sad example., page-5

  1. 3,972 Posts.

    It is hard. You want to trust the justice system but after the Sydney race hate rape crimes there is an element of mistrust of the powers that be.

    We should not get too emotional either way and hope that police and politicians are now back on the side of victims. We should wait though and give the justice system a chace.

    However we should monitor and ensure justice is the prime objective. Not politics or ethnic sensibilities.

    So I personally just want to send a message to the young girls. We are watching over you. Any sign you are mistreated or any sign of a cover-up for PC reasons we will be there. Plus I will get mad, real mad..along with most of Australia. Real bloody mad. Justice needs to be served and the case fully transparent. Don't rape these girls twice like what happened in Sydney. Australia will not stand for it.

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