Another shout of praise goes up to Jehovah!, page-1168

  1. 23,839 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Tonio, is just about right, like the 30000 different churches you kept getting it wrong with your 3000 take, likewise with the bible and your understanding of it,

    Lets be adults, shall we?............................Seriously, isn't what you have done here absolutely childish.
    I made an error in thinking I was referring your numbers as in 3,000, I acknowledged my mistake and this is the sort of childish stuff you come up with, your sad strength, so to speak, really?????????

    As for Tonio's lie, can you see me having said, I Never read the Bible?????????????????????
    Now then, something you need to consider.
    You place up walls of info as you have done here and for me to address them respectfully, would result in walls of posts.
    YOU then have a cry and pretty much ignore.
    You then at times, come back, repeating many of the SAME claims, totally ignoring the fact, these claims have been addressed, more than once and WITH the Bible.

    So, the likes of the long???? you posted here, is this in effect a smoke screen, to effectively shut another down, to avoid addressing their fair and reasonable replies?
    Especially in some cases, I have made my replies as in, can you not see how I can see this and that, this way, do to the backing, Bibles, that I give.

    Even the Catholic Catechism tells us that God is the “Word” but there is much much much more that Jesus revealed but your stuck in what and how the Jewish understanding was.

    First up, it will appear your making assumptions, because you see me pushing the Word subject, aspect, in one direction often.
    Much of the aspects you put forward (and thanks by the way), I am aware of.

    But the Key point is, one needs to know the truth of Word in the opener of John, otherwise, like it or not, your robbing God and effectively removing Him.
    God as in the Almighty God and Father, the Most High.

    Much more re "the Word", telling me there is.

    Dabar -> Door -> House -> Head = Almighty God and Father......................Jesus's words, I am in the Father -> I am in The House, in The Word.
    End plan,...........1:1 and God was the Word -> 1 Cor 15:28 - And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

    And God was the Word -> Door -> House -> Head = Almighty God and Father.
    Door was effectively closed.
    When the times were
    fulfilled and Not before, the first literal, physical beginning of the new Door, the plan hid in God, began to form, re conception.
    In the beginning was the Word -> Part of the word, plan = conception, prior to that, the plan, another part of the word in John 1:1, was expressed into being as is shown in John 1:3 creation, verse 1:4 then reverts back to the life within God -> Eph 3:9., the word of life as in eternal is effectively the rest of John where by 1:14, the word now come into the Temple, the Word, part of, having Produced this Temple as per Isa 55:8-11 etc.

    Then after the birth, God raised Jesus as per Due 18:18, over many many years, instilling the word of life within Jesus.
    And yes, much of the Word, word of Life is about Jesus.
    That is the Bread, the Word that came down from heaven, God.

    By Jesus being given the Word, it gave him life within himself John 5:26, just as the Father has 1:4, in his word.
    As God's word is Light and Jesus had the word/light without measure, also meant, Jesus became A light into the word, re Baptism timing.
    While in the world as he was carrying the word/light without measure, he was the light of the world.
    The light the lightens every man, Moses and Co, that came, comes, into the word.
    Was there in the world, before Jesus even existed, light/word. Psa 119:105.

    Goodness me, God is light and the father of it, Jesus the first only begotten child of light, you might say.

    Anyway, I'll address the John matter, in a short post up to around 1:4, YOU will have some explaining to do?
    Lets see if you will address it or run LOL.

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