''No sillier rationale than the old pony you trot out God did...

  1. 23,513 Posts.
    ''No sillier rationale than the old pony you trot out God did it''

    You are changing your tune and moving the goalposts.

    I am referring to the terms of the Genesis story, what is written and what it tells us. That Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of good and evil until they had eaten the fruit that gave them that knowledge, at which point they understood Then you invoked the old 'a God of freedom of choice' defence, which does not work as a rationale.

    It doesn't work because someone may be able to make decisions, but may be naive, lack experience and knowledge, so they inevitably make bad decisions through no fault of their own, they don't choose to be naive, as with Adam and Eve.

    A child can make decision and an experienced adult can make decisions, but the decisions each of them make may be vastly different because one is a child and doesn't have a clue about life, and the other has the experience to make informed decisions.
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