"The Trinity would have you believe that the Holy Spirit is a...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "The Trinity would have you believe that the Holy Spirit is a person," -> Imo yes, but it IS the Father, the Holy Spirit Fathered Jesus.

    Jesus quotes the OT, that we would all be taught by God = The Spirit of Truth, Comforter etc.
    Re 1 John 5:7 - Some time back I did some checking, and it appears that it is in way more scripts than what we are told.
    If you understand the truth of it, there is nothing wrong with it.
    God the Father is -> the Word and the Holy Spirit.
    1:1 - (and the logos/plan was to, or toward or with the God = mind and plans of God and while in you = and God was the Word).
    1:2 This; (logos/plan) was in beginning, to, toward, with The God.

    "This" is the only definition available.
    Part of the logos/plan is shown to have been expressed from God by 1:3.

    1 John 5:8, no such wording as, these three agree.
    "But in simple, it is not a salvation issue." ????????????????

    John 17:3 This now is the eternal life that they should know You (Father) the only true God and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.
    John 4:23, 24 - But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.
    God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

    Communications also come under worship.

    I would like to think that your comment is the case, however, many passages raise Big questions there.

    17:3 imo, the first and foremost meaning is, to actually know the truth of who and what the Father and Son are.
    Then you're in the position to develop a relationship with them.
    Otherwise you would be trying to develop a relationship with the figment of your imaginations, it might as well be father Xmas LOL.

    We are warned about people teaching another Jesus and corrupting the simplicity in him as per Luke's account, Jesus's first beginnings.
    If it wasn't vital, then why would we be warned to watch out for it?
    Especially when these passages tie it into Eve being mislead.

    Lets examine what a trinity God does to God.
    1. They remove the God and Fathers Holy Spirit and make a god the holy spirit person out of it = another god.
    2. This person would be deemed as an Idol.
    3. They would have to give the God and Father another spirit to replace the theft = another God.
    4. As all power etc comes from the Holy Spirit, that would mean this god the holy spirit is more powerful than the God and Father, what if it did a satan?
    5. And God was the Word and his word expressed is his spirit person expressed -> that is removed and given to Jesus.
    6. John 1:9, many say the true light there is referring to Jesus, despite the God and Father being light, Father of it and His word being deemed as light Psa 119:105.
    Question -> 1. How can one worship God in truth as he requires, when one looks at the above?
    2. Where is the true God and Father above = Vanished completely.

    Despite many OT passages speaking of a future Jesus, many claim he pre-existed in some physical form, when none of these passages even hint at such and despite Luke's opener.
    2. They claim either or all, that Jesus is God, God in the flesh, God man, God the Son etc, despite his clear words in Jesus's 17:3 quote and from the OT etc and they ignore the fact that after the cross, exalted and glorified, that Jesus is now referenced as an only Begotten God, confirming he was not in his John 17:3 quote when he was here. (John 1:18 Inter).
    3. They say that Jesus is the Word, when in short, he is the results of it and became the Key carrier of it and now has a name to represent this = The Word of God.
    You are not what you are of = The Word = Father.

    As with God, you clearly have another Jesus here, How can this possibly align with, fit with Jesus's words, message for eternal life in John 17:3 ????

    To believe in Jesus's name, we need to take into account one of his Key names in Rev 19:13 The Word of God = he represents the entire word of God, Truth of.

    Anyway, they are some thoughts to ponder, no need to reply if you wish not to.
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