Another shout of praise goes up to Jehovah!, page-2704

  1. 25,172 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "We were not discussing Jewish beliefs which are irrelevant to the discussion."

    Excuse me, we most certainly were -> As my early post was the likes of -> Jews worshiped a singular God = Yehowah Father and the ONE point I made, if God was in fact 3 persons, they would have been worshiping a false god, for 4,000 odd years, and God allowing this = get real, are your trying to say he wouldn't let the likes Abraham, Moses and Co know their error.

    It was you that threw in the irrelevant nonsense on the trinity subject and saying the likes of, I'm only saying the above because I don't understand the trinity = that has ZERO to do with the above point.
    Zero means - NOTHING.

    Hence, the evidence is, you're the one that run in another direction, lost focus.
    "Eternal life.
    An interesting topic but irrelevant to the discussion."

    It was your that raised it, from a verse I quoted on the one, singular God matter, which I only quoted, to address your off topic comment.
    And from that verse, 17:3, you said salvation relies on both of them, which you then falsely claimed, it supported a trinity and I explain why it didn't.
    But none of your off topic points there are relevant to my message at the top here.
    "John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
    which you ignore."

    Another off topic, which you raised from my quote John 17:3, in relation to my top point here.
    I answered this verse of yours, with many verses, showing how and why Jesus can say the above, it was a position he was given and a key reason God made/created him and sent him, as per Luke clearly shows.

    Off topic again, hence you are the one not focusing, and run away from the topic at the top of this post.
    Your Matt relevance, once again = you loosing focus and running off the subject at the top = zero relevance to that topic.
    ""Temporary" removing and adding to scripture."

    That is derived from a totally different discussion.
    From the very word "temporary", clearly shows I'm not intending to remain removing it.
    I was trying to raise a point, and to make that point easier, so it didn't fly over your head, and cause you to run up another path, hence I said temporary remove it.
    But No, you for some strange reason, wanted to cling to it like a little boy with his new found lollie tongue.png
    But even on that subject (another), you couldn't stay focused with the Baby steps I was trying to make or propose, and you run all over the place.

    Your not alone, it appears that people try to pre-empt where one might be taking a subject, and they try to head it off (defend), before even knowing where it's going. rolleyes.png

    This seems to sum it up -> Prov 18:13 - One who gives an answer before he hears, It is foolishness and shame to him.

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