Excellent, then JUSTIFICATION today is a gift that cannot be...

  1. 5,698 Posts.
    Excellent, then JUSTIFICATION today is a gift that cannot be earned or maintained.

    Not Just today, its been like that since Jesus death, as your below

    JUSTIFICATION occurs only when a believer places their faith/trust in the death/burial/resurrection of Christ for the eternal forgiveness of their sins.

    First one must understand, we are not the Judge, we cannot see what's in people's heart, its all in Jesus hands who will Judge, the rest of this is 100% correct

    That the above believer is sealed and can not lose their JUSTIFICATION.

    Can I come over and do something horrible to you and your family, do you consider me saved just because at one time I done my part, then turn feral

    You have a convert

    If you convert, first, I don't convert people, its not for me or me doing the work, its the Holy Spirit working, and the result is your eternal life through Christ, one's choice, I'm not one to grab people by the ear and make them convert, it has to be done freely through the heart giving there mind body and soul, to be a real conversion

    but having said that, that would really get to our dear friend wotsup as he's been trying for 8 years and found no takers
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