Another shout of praise goes up to Jehovah!, page-2912

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    Did they rightfully divide the word and correct the following?

    because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible,q whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through himr and for him.
    17 Also, he is before all other things,s and by means of him all other things were made to exist,

    He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, because in Him -> (the one to be) all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.
    And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.

    Are you seeing WHY he is being deemed as the firstborn of creation = because the first and foremost of God's plans and purposes, known as Your inner creation, where all your creations begin, was for a Jesus to be.
    Figuratively speaking, he was the firstborn of creation and in the Fathers mind, it would have been considered, done and dusted, as he sees things not yet done as though they are.
    In that very same context, figuratively, the Father loved him before the foundation of the world John 17:24, which is also known as glory held by the Father John 17:5, to which the people in 2 Tim 1:9 could also rightfully ask the Father for, because they were called and saved before time began, figuratively.
    All other plans for creation, come after and for the one to be.
    He, on top of that, is the firstborn in ranking as well = dual meanings here.

    Hence as above, before all things figuratively and because of the one to be, the driver, all things consist, INCLUDING him.

    Isa 44:24 - Thus says Yehowah, your Redeemer, And He who formed you from the womb: “I Yehowah, who makes all things, Who stretches out the heavens all alone, Who spreads abroad the earth by Myself;

    Why did the Father alone and by himself create;
    dia: through, on account of, because of
    Original Word: διά
    Part of Speech: Preposition
    Transliteration: dia
    Phonetic Spelling: (dee-ah')
    Definition: through, on account of, because of
    Usage: (a) gen: through, throughout, by the instrumentality of, (b) acc: through, on account of, by reason of, for the sake of, because of.
    For the future one to be born out of Mary.

    This plan and purpose is in John 1:1b and 1:2 This; was in beginning............."this" is the ONLY word option and "this" is not another being or person.

    In beginning was the Word and the Word was - to - (ongoing in progress) = toward - with The Theon and Theos was the Word.
    This; was in beginning - to - (ongoing in progress) = toward - with The Theon.

    Theos without the definite article is used for the Father a lot of times in the Bible.

    Theon -> object case
    Theos -> subject case

    Ex - I love Theon = Theon is the object of the verb love
    Ex - Theos loves me - Theos is the subject of the verb love.

    It just goes to show, if we mess with the correct order of words = we created another story as they've done with 1:1c and 1:14.
    It fouls with the reasons why they used Theon and Theos.

    1:3 = ALL things created, made - includes Jesus and if one doesn't accept it there, it certainly happened in Luke by the word and power of Yehowah, like Isa 55: 10:11

    And God was/is the Word.
    Word God -> Image of -> Word Man -> Named the Word of -> God.

    Suddenly Mal 3:1 -> John 1:29 - The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
    The Lamb picks up the torch - the word of God, the word of life and runs with it, the Father and his word has been introduced for the first 13 verses, giving a perfect Chronological flow to the prologue, as it should be.

    1:14 And the Word Man (existing) became = (on the scene) and dwelt among us...........

    1:14's truth does NOT say -> And the Word became Man = another story.
    John other than 1:3, is Not talking about Jesus becoming flesh or his birth, the other Gospels cover that.

    That which is born of Spirit is spirit ............that which is born of Word is Word. (Spirit and word are interchanged in the Bible).
    Become born again, become a Word of God, deemed as, as your expressed words are your person expressed.

    Hence Jesus after Deu 18:18 when expressing out the Fathers words, became the express image of his person Heb 1:3 KJV.
    Jesus confirms this in John 14:10 - by hearing the Fathers words coming from him, it is deemed as seeing (perceiving - Inter) the Father.

    Let there be Light lol, come ye out of the Darkness lol

    Jesus in John 17:3 gives NO hint that he was a God when here, but after the cross and his glorification, he is Now an only Begotten God, confirming his words in 17:3, that he wasn't when here.
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