I thought earthquakes are just natural tetonic plates moving? -...

  1. 229 Posts.
    I thought earthquakes are just natural tetonic plates moving? - no biggies yet from God - that's for End Times if you are talking about prophecies from the Scrpitures/ Haddith, but so far away not for us to worry about.

    Minor signs in Islam includes more frequent earthquakes plus 60 other occurrences. (All occured - just waiting Major signs apparently)

    Major signs - 3 big earthquakes one in East one in West and final one in ME, we'll all have passed away before then?

    Just before judgement day (year 2117 according to some) after in this order WW3/Dajjal (AntiChrist - New World Order - anti religion )/Al-Mahdi/Jesus?

    Al-Mahdi the interesting one, as in line of Prophet Muhammad in his name and that of his father (Muhammad Abdullah). So if Royal Family of Jordan (in his line) name future sons Muhammad from recently born Abdullah''s born in 2007 and 2016, this maybe the Al Mahdi, or it could be another line in Iraq or Syria and WW3 could be earlier???

    We'll never know the time of the last hour - only God knows, but Nasa have only two total solar eclipse over Middle East between now and the year 2100, one in 2027 and the other 7 years later in 2034. Is it a sign? Is thus the tribulation or sons being born
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