Another shout of praise goes up to Jehovah!, page-32

  1. 6,761 Posts.
    Whether we think along the lines of some all encompassing force of order, purpose and will, the Prime Mover, or accept that somehow a universe, order, life and sentience is a phenomena that can erupt from nothingness, as both scenarios occurred prior to the establishment of natural order there will never be any empirical evidence for either means of creation.

    If there is a force of order, purpose and will, the Prime Mover, then it is reasonable to expect that to some degree any creature that becomes sentient throughout the universe might reflect some sign of this purpose and will. I imagine it would be a creature or creatures with a codified social order with labels such as virtue, morality, equality, justice, respect, etc embedded and enshrined within its structure for living and coexistence. It would be profoundly driven by, WHY, which would cause it to explore in every direction it could, both internally and externally, over and beyond any basic need for survival. It would likely have a religious basis to the foundations of its various cultures and social orders. Interestingly there is no evidence of any human society developing without some form of religious belief.

    I then imagine that a creature derived from a system that is a phenomena of nothingness to be somewhat more fundamental in its approach to life. It would not have religious foundations, because if such a creature in the unlikely event that it invented religion, could and would have just as easily dispensed with religion. I don't imagine such a creature would be too abstract in its thinking because the abstract without, the Prime Mover probably wouldn't exist. If it was not abstract in thinking it likely would not be driven by the interminable force of, WHY, thus science, which is of course, religion in its most pure, unadulterated form, would be rudimentary at best.

    But who knows, I'm just musing away before my bowl of porridge.
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