"On the point of @ppm56's post, check with the author who is it...

  1. 23,432 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "On the point of @ppm56's post, check with the author who is it correct whereu or @wotsup to remove speculation?"

    As I pretty much said, due to the fact that you are one of his cheer squad members, he is Naturally going to agree with you, so it would be a fruitless exercise in asking him.
    "This is yet another example of @wotsup getting it wrong."

    I see that your comprehension skills are failing You yet again.
    I did not limit your bias views to the CC DRRRRR, it was trinity, which is/was created BY the CC's, so indirectly you are following the CC's with your bias leanings, as many of your posts Clearly demonstrate = The Evidence.
    The Bible ONLY teaches a NON trinity, there is NO case to support a trinity, only delusions do that.

    Two quotes from Jesus nails this in seconds -> This now is the eternal life that they should know You (Father) the only true God and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.
    Jesus, unquestionably independent of himself, defines the Father as the only true God when he was here.
    He also quotes this from the OT -> Hear, Israel: Yehowah our God is ONE Yehowah.

    There is absolutely ZERO in Jesus's quote, that apart from knowing Him and the Father, you also need to know a person or being, the Holy Spirit = down goes your trinity again and no verse elsewhere in the Bible, says such either.
    The Gospels are very clear that the Holy Spirit is Jesus's Father.
    " you are too dumb to refute it from the Bible."

    I refute is from the Bible in numerous ways, but the delusion curse that most of you are under, doesn't allow your to see it and a clear example of a poster on here, as to what they see, follows in blue.
    17:3 - This now is the eternal life that they should know You (Father) the only true God = Father, Son and Holy Spirit and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.

    And they are Very insistent on that claim = if that's not classed and delusional, then I'm father Xmas tongue.png
    They also claim that if you insist on the truth that Jesus defines the Father as the only true God, independently of himself, then you are pitting Jesus against the father = what.png
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