hit two trains stations now as well, brussels is under attack...

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    hit two trains stations now as well, brussels is under attack


    ‘Several dead’ as Brussels rocked by multiple explosions

    BRUSSELS has been rocked by a series of explosoins that have left ‘several people’ dead according to reports.
    EARLIER: One blast has occured shortly after 8am local time at Maalbeek station. TV images showed black smoke billowing from the station entrance.

    The explosion follows two other explosions at the Zaventem airport in Brussels.
    Several people were injured in the airport explosions which occurred in the American Airlines departure hall at around 8am.
    The death toll is not known, with various major news outlets including the BBC, London’s The Sun and the Daily Mail reporting between 10 and 17.

    Belgian media are reporting gunfire and shouting in Arabic was heard in the airport before the explosions.

    Belgium Interior Minister has declared the nation has raised its terror level to maximum.
    Jef Versele, 40, from Ghent, Belgium, was at the airport when he heard the two explosions.
    “I was on my way to check in and two bombs went off - two explosions,” he said.

    “I didn’t see anything. Everything was coming down. Glassware. It was chaos it was unbelievable. It was the worst thing.”
    He added: “People were running away, there were lots of people on the ground. A lot of people are injured.”

    Sky News journalist Alex Rossi, who is reporting live from inside the airport, said there is a great deal of confusion but the evacuees believe it is a terrorist attack. “Don’t know about the number of injuries but certainly, the people I am with believe there is a terrorist attack, but again cannot confirm,” he said.

    Rossi described the moment of the explosions,and how he saw a woman bleeding from her eye.
    “I was in the duty free in Zaventem Airport and I heard two very, very loud explosions,” he told Sky.

    “I could feel the building move. There was also dust and smoke as well.
    “I went towards where the explosion came from and there were people coming out looking very dazed and shocked.
    “The thinking here is that it is some kind of terrorist attack although that hasn’t been verified by any of the authorities here at the airport.
    “Don’t know how the explosion took place, the method if you like. But it certainly seems Brussels airport has been targeted in a terrorist attack.”
    Rossi said passengers were being evacuated to a crisis centre in the nearby village.
    The evacuees were told to leave all hand luggage in the airport.

    All flights in and out of the airport have now been put on hold.
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