Another US school shooting...wonder how the press will cover this?, page-75

  1. 18,794 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 119
    "Assault style" weapons are not assault weapons. and the AI mag well will take 10rnd mags or extended high capacity mags so the platform is at fault if there is a fault

    And yes Im a shooter of many years and know the difference between them and even though you're a bit weird Ive said many times here that a handgun in a cq environment would just if not more deadly and far easier to traverse lines of fire

    Here in Oz...and speaking as a Yank with military combat experience...Im very happy we have a different - and for mine - a better gun culture here and Im happy as larry that weapons arent part of mainstream civilian life

    I'm happy with the rules and find em easy to abide by

    The only change is if you were called upon to use a weapon in your home and used in self-defense...then that ought to be allowed and legal.

    Sadly in Oz you arent allowed to own a weapon for the purposes of self-defense.
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