The Lib's have done their research and decided that the stupid...

  1. 7,334 Posts.
    The Lib's have done their research and decided that the stupid aus will get behind them enough to garner more votes....oh dear....popularism at it's worst.
    ( Remember abott and his 'shirtfront ' statement ....I experienced and gave shirtfronts and those of a vintage will remember also what the word REALLY means.I have 4 front teeth missing as a result.In AFL you can be attacked 360 degrees , and in the old days someone could line u up from 50 metres away .When Putin came to Aus this little boy abbott became a toy-dog much less without a shirtfront , he didn't even have a shirt.)

    Look , they could be totally reformed.I accept that.Immanent death does wondrous things.

    But look at reality.
    If THEY GOT AWAY WITH IT , where would they be -self- reformed good guys , or hell bent on repeating it for greater and greater profits /ego-surge.

    If they were sent to an Aussie jail, with a slap and a tickle .....

    However , their minds were SOLELY focused on imment death, a la Indo jail......

    All praise to Indonesia for standing firm on this issue , shame they treat West Papuans like slaves, but that's another issue...Drugs kill millions of innocents in the country they are planted , manufactured , exported and consumed.

    I am embarrassed that Australian politicans can weep so many tears for these two , ...WHEN was the last time time you saw a politican get forthright /emotional at the drug crimes in his/ her own locale ?

    When one DOES........keep voting Him / Her in !
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