answer to atheist question, page-28

  1. 167 Posts.
    You make a good point AntN. Freedom of religion AND freedom from religion. I have always respected people's right to their "freedom of religion". I understand this to mean that a person is free to have a relationship with their God. To have the right to practice their religion in their homes and churches free from persecution. As much as I dislike and disagree with religion, I respect those rights and freedoms.

    What about my rights and freedoms? I have a right to a "freedom FROM religion". I have a right to not come across it in my day. It makes me feel uncomfortable and I am offended by it, and surely I have a right to have it kept away from me and to not come across it.

    Religious people need to understand something. Religious symbols for example do not mean the same things to others as they might to you. Christians may see in the crucifix compassion, love, sacrifice etc etc? When others might perhaps see persecution, prejudice, suffering, etc etc. So while you may get consolation from seeing such things, others might not, and in fact might be offended by them. You need to respect that. Whether you like it or not or agree with it or not, you must respect it - and you don't.

    When banning the crucifix in schools the Italian court said..
    "Although the crucifix could be "encouraging" for some pupils, the court said, it could be "emotionally disturbing" for pupils of other religions or those who profess no religion."

    You see? Religious people need to respect this "could be emotionally disturbing". This applies to all religious symbols not just the crucifix, and it could be emotionally disturbing for many in our society. An approach such as this respects everybody.

    I can't understand why religious people need to cover themselves in their religion, through clothing and/or accessories, and then go out in public to advertise their religion. Personally I would like to see a day when a person's religion cannot be distinguished by simply looking at them. When you bring your religion out on to the streets, then you start to disrespect my right to a freedom from religion. There is a distinct difference to me between "freedom of religion", and "freedom to spread your religion".

    Everyone can have their cake and eat it too here. Religious people can have their "freedom of religion", and non-believers can have their "freedom from religion", if only the religious people had the respect for others that is extended to them. You see? Until this happens I offer the same amount of respect to religious people that they offer me - zero.

    Sorry for the rant. Fast getting fed up with religion and the continual and relentless disrespect from religion every corner I turn. Again on parliament the other day our leaders bow their heads and pray to a God. Unbelievable to me and I am offended every single time. Where's my respect? When do I get my rights and freedoms respected?

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