"Who is paying for the baby leave the tax payer, as you...

  1. 5,500 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "Who is paying for the baby leave the tax payer, as you claim??
    Are you right, do you know what your talking about?"

    ROFL how silly of me, it's not the taxpayer it's been redefined as a levypayer now because Abbot is against big new taxes. ROFL levy. The wiggles have a Big Red Car and Abbott has a Big New Levy (ROFL levy).

    Company tax payers are taxpayers too avaondale. And guess what they are going to due to this added expense? I know what they will do because all the right wingers here told us when the Carbon ets wafpp came in. Prices will rise and we the consumer will pay more for goods so that Betty can stay home with Billy and play monopoly with real money.

    And as Abbott said, the levy will stop when the budget is back to surplus. Guess what that means? Yep someone has to pay because the policy doesn't stop when the budget is back to surplus. Yep the poor old income taxpayer (that's real tax not the pretend "levy" ROFL levy) will foot the bill for Betty's monopoly money.

    What a load of crock of a policy and what a load of crock of an explanation as to how it is to paid. He tries to have a dollar each way on everything because he doesn't stand for ANYTHING. That's why women don't like him.

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