maaaate, i wouldnt go hiding behind 'the only democratic country...

  1. 1,377 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 21
    maaaate, i wouldnt go hiding behind 'the only democratic country in the ME' theme, israel is hardly a model of liberal democracy, it barely hangs in there if at all. its run by a gang of right wing loonies who control a bunch of thugs. beheading is indeed gruesome, but so is pulverising generations of a family while they sleep in their beds with an israeli mortar and so is reducing to smithereens children while they play on a beach with israeli jet strikes.... israel cant claim civility when it acts like a barbarian and cant label arabs savages when it behaves equally the same.
    until israel upholds humanitarian values then i have no sympathy for it whatsoever either.
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