Antivaxxers spreading lies to be Criminalised?, page-247

  1. 17,853 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    So you're more concerned about the 11 confirmed cases of death due to covid vaccines in Australia when we know the unvaxxed are at least 10 times more likely to get severe covid symptoms and end up in hospital?

    I suggest you should give yourself a chance and wake up before the Terminator variant arrives.

    If you're unvaxxed at that time its not going to be pretty for the unvaxxed.

    But as expressed countless times in the site-- it wont happen to you

    That is till it does and 200,000 Americans who died needless deaths being unvaxxed would say they are sorry they didn't vacinate but they are now dead.
    Last edited by RedCedar: 24/05/22
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