I sure am an expert at putting lipsticks on you guys...It's not...

  1. 4,311 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 699
    I sure am an expert at putting lipsticks on you guys...
    It's not hard - the hardcore jab cult here make it easy.

    Not one of you can admit the vaccine isn't as safe - or as effective as our leaders and media tell us...
    Not one of you can say "absolutely it's killing people, including kids, who were otherwise healthy.... but their sacrifice is worth it for x reason(s)"...
    None of you admit the VAERS and equivalent data around the world is REAL and just a fraction of the truth.
    Not one of you can accept you've been lied to about it's efficacy either - obviously have a pincushion fetish. 4x a year is where it's at now...
    Not one of you realizes the implications for mandating a brand new, first of it's kind gene therapy (yes, that's what it is) which was rushed into production and skipped all kinds of testing.
    None of you are aware that historical settled science and medicine has been WRONG ... DDT, labotomies, asbestos, thalidomide, heroin tablets etc etc etc ... many times... "this time is different"?
    Apparently none of you have considered the all important "what if this will go down in as the biggest medical mistake in history?"
    Despite there clearly being no long term safety data, and even the staunchest pro vax scientists admit they simply don't know...
    Yet somehow you jesters know?

    You all assume there will be no long term effects, despite the plethora and variety of short term ones (!)
    Never consider how many kids with myocarditis etc there are, and how much their life span has been shortened
    Oblivious to the very real risk of fertility or hereditary disorders being passed down to our kids.
    The fact the average age of mortality is mid 70's - by far and large - only those with pre-existing conditions... yet here we are, gambling the future of our kids health to save grandma? On a population demographic which is essentially immune to an already over 99% survival rate virus?

    You all have lipstick on with your "trust the science, the government, and the most corrupt companies on earth... it's safe and effective" clown routine.
    Completely ignorant to the corruption, the agendas, the risks and labeling everything besides what you're told on the TV as a conspiracy theory.
    Unable to realize that there is a large - very large - rejection of what's going on by certain scientific and medical communities... some of the most brilliant people on earth being censored and you lot are happy to just read a "fact check" or pharma sponsored character assassination on them and assume they are crackpots.

    This same bunch of you lipstick wearing clowns are the same ones happy to see medical apartheid and discrimination become the new norm and hand over all your power and trust to the government with unprecedented power (because you're scared). Historically tell me a single government that didn't abuse it's power and genuinely took care of it's people?
    Oh and you're filled with joy to be jabbing kids... KIDS with this stuff... that's where I drew the line.

    You make me sick. Should be ashamed of yourselves, instead you're on moral high horses, unable to comprehend that your ethics are actually on the wrong side of the greater good - and perhaps history.

    Last edited by Gibbaz: 03/12/21
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