Nobody should be forced to get the vaccine.Nobody should be...

  1. 146 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 17
    Nobody should be forced to get the vaccine.

    Nobody should be coerced into any medical intervention.

    You cannot have something both ways. An individual should retain all sovereignty over their body.


    To preface; I am doubled - My employer has a minor contract with an agency that is governmental - all the work performed is completely remote and never has on-site interactions; even pre-covid - but it has been deemed mandatory. It has become far more political than scientific at this point; that's clear.

    I had some, quite concerning at the time, chest pains around the time of my Pfizer jabs. I have never had any issues related to circulatory or respiratory systems - yet now - months later - the fatigue and discomfort from strenuous exercise is significantly more noticeable and unpleasant since having the jabs.

    The evidence arising from other countries that are ahead of us on vaccine uptake curves is definitely implying that the efficacy of the jabs is not that great; especially over any meaningful time frame. It's quite the leaky, flimsy, vaccine in all. I will be hesitant to get any more of them because you are walking down of mandatory medical intervention for all, forever. It is wrong.

    I don't understand how you (assumedly 40-50+ boomers ; or SJW cks) feel some sense of superiority. You've been fed a grand story and bought it hook-line and sinker.

    One can be Anti-Mandate and governmental authoritarian control; without being Anti-Vax.

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