ESG 0.00% 86.5¢ eastern star gas limited

anxious parties?, page-2

  1. 3,666 Posts.
    Desist from showing a sentiment on HC? That is a joke.

    There is an information void. The only information available are cryptic announcements to the ASX, sneakily worded, some of them not even this year. And after comments to the ASX in May about how the company was going to WAIT for the right signals in the market, they then sell completely out of the blue.

    The company has decided to sell itself on the basis of the reserves as they were at the end of 2009. No explanation, just that. Sell before Tintsfield becomes economic. Before the Carbon Tax gets legislated.

    And ESG expect shareholders to remain mute, and express no sentiments on forums such as these? Just wait, passively, for a third party to tell us what OUR reserves are?

    C'mon guys, you have to be joking, surely?

    Whether people decide to vote YES or NO is up to them. And if they decide to collectivize themselves via forums such as HC, that is their right. But please, in the information void which the company has created, don't tell shareholders not to share their views with other shareholders. That is adding insult to injury.

    ESG tells shareholders privately and publicly that this deal is the best way forward. Is it any wonder people express sentiments publicly? Scratch their heads and assume the company has sold them out. Some loyal holders have sold out, precisely because ESG has told them publicly that ESG have sold out. What else can people think, ESG?

    ESG, do you want shareholders to believe you are committed to this deal or not?

    Whether this is it, or whether ESG have got multi-party interest or a sweetened bid, I for one am tired of the deception, reading the tea-leaves, and of ESG methods and communication. Like Monsters said, I am tired of it and want it to hurry up and resolve.


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