ESG 0.00% 86.5¢ eastern star gas limited

anxious parties?, page-3

  1. 937 Posts.
    Well said YAQ

    I have a feeling that things are getting hotted up for the Board at the moment - they will say that they are bound from saying anything under the continuous disclosure provisions cause they are in a take over situation. Very convenient and they are hoping that the IER will sort all the bad and indifferent news that they should have corrected (if needed) many months before.

    This will not be the case IMO - many things have been put to the market over a long period - too much for the IER and take over situation to resolve.

    I ain't going anywhere and will certainly be watching to see that all aspects of corporate accountability have been respected.

    Bottom line guys - if you want this to go away - go back to Santos and tell them to make an offer that reflects the actual reserves and the upgrades that we know and have been told are supposed to come.

    Forget the dramatics, surveys, aligning of all the negative things that have ever happened on the planet that can be construed to have impacted to the gas fields.

    It will all go away and everyone will be happy when Santos pay up - very simple, very quick with no 'unpleasantries' after the deal is done.

    Pay up...very simple

    Regards to all :)
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