Any moderate Australian muslims condemning ....., page-29

  1. 11,213 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    There is a mosque in our suburb, so plenty of Muslims in the area; admittedly, mostly of non-Arabic origin. There has been absolutely no problems. The young women have jobs in retail and are good at what they do. Well mannered and friendly - no complaints from me.

    I've known a few others, over the years too, however they have been highly educated and from privileged backgrounds. One in particular whom I really liked, whose family emigrated from Afghanistan when the communists tried to take the place over. No one in her family had ever worn the hijab - it is tribal/cultural and has nothing to do with Islam. The same goes for GM. The Koran states that a woman should dress modestly, and nothing more. Have also known a few Muslim female doctors and the odd tradie - all normal, decent, balanced people. It is the fundamentalist sheep who are the concern following the unenlightened.

    The problems have arisen in the interpretation of the biblical text and that problem has arisen because there is no centralized religious authority.
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