Anyone been to Vcat for real estate agent disputes?, page-28

  1. 25,389 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 29
    Partner and i just moved out after 6 months. We broke out lease on the grounds of the house being uninhabitable. From the day we moved in the roof leaked in the only 2 bedrooms and in the hall over the old school fuse box. We would call the agent weekly and they would send someone out to replace a tile but the problem never went away.

    Stayed for 6 months with leaks in the roof
    Called the agent weekly

    The problem was not addressed! I know that you have experience in this field as a LL but not all LLs are as responsible as you, so don't judge everyone by your own standards please and we do not know how much the LL even knew of the problem

    I can only comment on what has been posted, business is business and the first phone call should have had the MA arranging a visit to see the problem, then if warranted arranged for a quote, so one week maximum plus some time for the tradesman to supply the quote, if big job another week.

    If it was a bad leak it is the MA responsibility to minimize the damage that was likely to occur as the plaster roof could have fallen in with a bad leak causing extensive damage and financial cost

    The fault is bad management or rather no management
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