anyone else having the worst time now than eve, page-125

  1. 1,687 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 242

    Good on you for sharing, you're not alone and there is hope.

    I have never been in debt to the extent that you are, but for the sake iof interest I'd like to tell you how my Dad got out of around $40,000 of cc debt, while having little income and none from a partner.

    First thing he did when he decided that he was going to fight the debt was consider bankruptcy. While it wasn't a desirable option, it was comforting to know he always had that back up.

    Then he told all teh credit card companies that called him regularly that he was probably going bankrupt and couldn't afford the interest. He asked them to stop charging it or he would go down. They stopped.

    He then saved all the cash he could, as folding money, in case he had to file. The next part is interesting. He told each credit card company, honestly, that he was going bankrupt and wanted to pay them what he could, but only if they discounted his debt. I kid you not, each one offered him a deal of up to 50% off his debt. Eg. One card may have owed $5000, so he offered 2.5 or 3 - take it or leave it. They normally took it, and he managed to auction off his debt to the lowest bidder.

    Anyway, he got out safe and sound. And it was a huge thing for him to bead a debt that had been on his shoulders for a decade. Good luck, it's noble to want to pay back what you can, it was not screwing his creditors that got my Dad there in the first place.
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