well done fluffy, good to hear it. I do some volunteer work...

  1. 21,239 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9

    well done fluffy, good to hear it. I do some volunteer work though with adults.

    thing is about kids it's a shame that people who work around kids fall under so much suspicion. The facts are that if children are the subject of abuse then you can pretty much guarantee the offender is related to them: fathers, brothers, uncles and so on.

    I was taking a walk alone the other day and saw a bunch of very young kids doing something potentially quite dangerous near a river. Years ago I would have thought nothing of going over to them and warning them off what they were doing - not now. I just wouldn't be seen in conversation with young kids if I was by myself. The only time I'd assist would be if, in the latter instance, they actually fell in the river but that might be too late...

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