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    A Secret about ''The Secret''
    Have you heard The Secret? Millions of people are talking about it. If you have then you probably already know the secret to The Secret. But here is a secret about The Secret I bet you don’t know. The Secret is missing three vital elements. But be warned, discussing them will create a conversational storm.
    If you haven’t seen, read or heard about The Secret then I’d like to let you in on a secret. The Secret is a 90 minute DVD created by Australian Rhonda Byrne. Presently it is being billed as a movie so powerful it can change the course of your life. How? You might well ask. It harbours a secret – a philosophy. Rhonda believes that The Secret’s philosophy can empower anyone to create the life they’ve dreamed of. Whether it’s a Mercedes Benz parked in the drive way, ocean front property, happiness, love, designer clothes – it’s all possible once you learn the secret.
    Rhonda says that the secret behind The Secret lies in the law of attraction; the principle ‘like attracts like’. Rhonda calls it ‘the most powerful law in the universe,’ and says it is working all the time. "What we do is we attract into our lives the things we want, and that is based on what we're thinking and feeling," According to Rhonda the principle explains that we create our own circumstances by the choices we make in life. And the choices we make are fuelled by our thoughts—which means our thoughts are the most powerful things we have here on earth.
    If the promise of learning the secret that can change your life has got you reaching for your credit card, stop. The concept isn’t new. It’s just that every decade it gets repackaged. Anthony and many mediums like him espouse philosophies that parallel those in The Secret including the three missing elements.
    According to Frances Fayden there are three key elements missing from The Secret. Frances is a Success Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Healer based in America. She has seen first hand what goes wrong when programs like The Secret fail to live up to their promises. They leave people with feelings of frustration mixed with failure.
    The first element missing from The Secret, according to Frances, is that love is the most magnetic and attracting factor in the universe. Simply focusing your thoughts and wanting something is not enough to draw it to you. You will only draw to yourself the things you think about with great feeling. The way to really harness the universal law (like-attracts-like) is to focus on what you love. For example, if you love to write poetry, keep your mind occupied with poetry. Think about great poets you admire; read their poetry and about their lives; join a poetry writing group; keep your mind absorbed in what you love.
    The mistake many people make is rather than focusing on everything having to do with poetry, for example, people tell themselves that if they had ten million dollars they could write poetry whenever they wanted. So they stop pursuing poetry and focus on becoming a multi-millionaire. Then they wonder why they aren’t happy.
    The second element missing from The Secret is that it focuses on the wrong self in self-help. According to Frances, the ‘self’ - the little part of the mind known as the ego- is what got you where you are today. So if you are not happy with your lot, going back to the same source that created your present reality is not the best idea. As Einstein once said, “The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.” In other words, the ego’s capacity to change anything is extremely limited. The good news, however, is that you are not limited to your ego. According to Frances you have the ability to access your Higher-Self, the real ‘Self’ that makes true change possible in the concept of ‘Self-help’. That Self is not limited by your past, your present, your genes, your circumstances or anything at all. That is the Self that knows what is best for you. It waits until you’re ready to cooperate with it to bring what will truly make you happy.
    According to Anthony, when you meditate or pray to your spirit guides, you’re creating a higher energy vibration. In other words you’re allowing your spirit guides to connect with your Higher-Self. In turn, your spirit guides manifest signs in your physical world that help you guide yourself using your Higher-Self and not your ego.
    Unlike Aladdin’s genie in The Secret who says “Your wish is my command” and will do anything you ask, your Higher-Self and spirit guides know what is best for you. Sometimes that means dealing with the unpleasant things in life, no matter how hard you focus on an alternative. If part of your lesson is to learn how to deal with difficult people, for example, you may find that the Boss you detest never leaves. However, if you focus your thoughts and ask your spirit guides to help you develop a fulfilling career, one where you can contribute to the world, or where you feel you have done all you can so you can expand your ability to help other people in a new way, that is a positive request. You are moving towards something you do want, something positive and uplifting, something you LOVE. You will find that resources and opportunities will begin to present themselves to you. It is at that point your Boss may be transferred or you’re promoted.
    The second point illustrates the third missing element. According to Frances, you must be honest with yourself about what you really want. Many people say they want something, but in all honesty, it is what they think they should want based on what will make their parents, spouse or friends happy. This is the most common problem Frances sees in her healing practice. Energy gets stuck in a person’s energy field because they are wired to be an artist, yet they force themself to study a Masters Degree in Business or vice versa. The Self that can and wants to help you will never violate your free will, but it will only go so far to help you go against yourself and the path you are meant to walk in this lifetime.
    If and when you sit down to watch The Secret remember the secret lives within. Use your spirit guides to activate the three missing elements, as well as the other principles of the Law of Attraction (like-attracts-like). Most important of all, make sure your actions reflect your desire. If you have a desire to accumulate great wealth, but continue to accumulate debt instead, your actions are cancelling out your desire. Trust that your spirit guides will help you access your Higher-Self and manifest what is right for you. Only then will the Mercedes-Benz you love so much appear in your driveway.

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