Appalling !, page-26

  1. 88,012 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    "does it really matter who does the profiling..."


    "profiling is a part of life - get used to it pinto"

    an advanced society controls and educates it's policing force (and other areas of government) to NOT profile

    you better get used to it

    Racial profiling leads to all kinds of abuse

    Any profiling does.

    Australian society as do many other societies need to grow up - it's that simple.

    What do you want -- a 'normal' 'part of life' where we paint yellow marks on Jews?

    is that profiling you find 'normal' and you are prepared to accept it?

    or do you have 'degrees' of profiling - some of which are accecptable to mogga and some which aren't????

    get the picture now why it's a tad problematic?

    I expect someone like you to be able to grasp this and support the outrage

    others, far less so
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