Happydaz try asking these guys the PH level of their...

  1. 644 Posts.
    Happydaz try asking these guys the PH level of their product.


    My father has used this particular product for a very long time and probably more healthier than most people I know.

    He discovered one of the Bragg Brothers books written about 60 odd years ago, very tatty thing now, but still re-reads it, thats how he sourced the health benefits of ACV originally, before taking. He'd be a very cranky man if he ever lost that "bible" of ACV.

    I can testify its good stuff, for us anyway.

    We just put a teaspoon in a third glass of water drink it down, rinse your mouth out with fresh water, good way to drink more water also.

    2 to 3 times a day. Do it for about a month give it a rest do again.

    No medical or any other advise intended, just a family personnal experience shared as the question was asked.

    I always by Braggs brand of ACV, as it is organic and has the mother in it (Very Important) generally from local Health Food Shop about $12.00 lasts ages, cheap tonic IMO.

    My 2 Cents worth hope it helps mate.


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