IMS 0.00% 69.0¢ impelus limited

Apple's mobile paymeny Will NOt affect MBE - says CFO, page-110

  1. 1,629 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    Your answer 'high light 'our doubt.

    Mbe is a list public company, which some ones ignored and requires an agm.
    Shareholders are investors and investing in mbe to see it performs. Yes it has achieved good so far but not enough for the interest of our investment if there is no recent market up date, which are the critical factors in deciding the reward for directors options n placement. We are not asking too much, but just a recent market update!

    We have good faith n trust in ceo n mgt so far and hope they do not ignore us.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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