are israelis leaving israel en masse?

  1. 139 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Hello there,

    Some sources say that all flights out of Israel's David Ben-Gurion airport are fully booked out for many weeks in advance.
    I don't know how much truth is in it but I would think it is very likely to be true than not.

    In a video that another poster - @pibroch - recommended to me - - prof. Mearsheimer says at around 1:27:30 mark that, I'm paraphrasing, immediately after 7 October 500,000 Israelis left Israel.

    WOW! If that is true, then this would be interesting and really telling a lot, imo.

    Mearsheimer has also said that he had been talking to somebody from Poland's foreign policy establishment and had been told that "you would be amazed how many Israelis are applying for Polish citizenship".

    I don't know if this is a good news for Poland if they receive such influx of Israelis?
    I would think not, imo.

    That video was recorded on 15 May 2024 in Sydney.

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