Are the covid people in a time warp?, page-7

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    • Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis
      (“COVID-19 vaccination is strongly associated with a serious adverse safety signal of myocarditis, particularly in children and young adults resulting in hospitalization and death.” Also ,”Given the close temporal relationship and the context of the reporting it seems clear that the COVID-19 vaccines are deterministic for myocarditis.”)

    • OpenSAFELY: Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents
      (A groundbreaking study by researchers from Oxford, Leeds, Harvard, and Bristol has confirmed that myocarditis and pericarditis only appear in children and adolescents following COVID-19 vaccination, not after infection. This extensive research analyzed official government data from over 1 million English children and adolescents. Key findings include: (a) all cases of myocarditis and pericarditis during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals and (b) over 50% of children who had myocarditis following the shot required hospitalization. Explanatory articles here and here.)

    • Improved diagnosis of COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis with cardiac scarring identified by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
      (In this study of patients with COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis, 47% had persistently abnormal MRI scans far more than a year after the initial diagnosis of vaccine damage. These patients may have permanently scarred hearts by COVID-19 vaccination and could have a lifetime of worry about severe outcomes years into the future. Explanatory article here.)

    • Forensic analysis of the 38 subject deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial
      (An analysis found that many deaths in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Trials program occurred after the data cutoff used to create the briefing booklet reviewed by the FDA Advisory Committee (VRBPAC). This effectively concealed mortality data from the approval decision. “Pfizer/BioNTech should have voluntarily made known any new information that could contribute to the FDA’s decision. It was factually misleading for them not to do so." The bottom line is that the cardiovascular disaster that occurred in the vaccinated population that took place once the public program was started could have been anticipated if we had public reporting and analysis of these deaths from the trials. This is what data fraud looks like. Explanatory article here.)

    • Cardiac side effects of RNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: Hidden cardiotoxic effects of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 on ventricular myocyte function and structure
      (“Here we demonstrated for the first time, that in isolated cardiomyocytes, both mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 induce specific dysfunctions that correlate pathophysiologically to cardiomyopathy. Both RyR2 impairment and sustained PKA activation may significantly increase the risk of acute cardiac events.” Explanatory articles here and here.)

    • Duration of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine persistence and factors associated with cardiac involvement in recently vaccinated patients
      ("These results suggest that SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines routinely persist up to 30 days from vaccination and can be detected in the heart" Also, "Serious adverse complications due to these vaccines may include anaphylactic reactions, myocarditis, pericarditis, myocardial infarction, cerebral sinus thrombosis, stroke, pulmonary embolism, neuropathies, and autoimmune hepatitis.")

    • Assessment of Myocardial 18F-FDG Uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2–vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients
      (Authors found nearly all patients who got the jab had some cardiac injury. Myocardial metabolism is changed in COVID-19 vaccinated subjects. Heart FDG PET scans are markedly abnormal in this large study of vaccine recipients. Of interest, among those with a sore arm after the shot, there were more striking differences in the heart scan than those without a sore arm. Explanatory article here.)

    • Cardiovascular Assessment up to One Year After COVID-19 Vaccine–Associated Myocarditis
      (Study found that of young persons who had heart damage confirmed by MRI and underwent a second scan one year later, 58% had residual abnormalities suggesting a scar could be forming in the heart muscle. Of 40 adolescents evaluated, 73% had no cardiac symptoms--so without an evaluation, the parents would have had no idea their child was suffering heart damage from the COVID-19 vaccine. Also 18% of cases initially had reduced left ventricular ejection fraction indicating risk for the development of heart failure.)

    • Sex-specific differences in myocardial injury incidence after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 booster vaccination
      (Researchers studied 777 jabbed healthcare workers, measuring their troponin levels—a marker for cardiac injury—and performed cardiac tests on those whose levels were elevated. They found elevated troponin levels in 40 people and 22 cases of actual myocardial injury. So about 1 case in 35 had vaccine-induced heart damage. )

    • Autopsy findings in cases of fatal COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis
      (Study reviewed 28 fatal cases from 14 papers and concluded in all cases the vaccine was the proximate cause of death. Without vaccination, these patients with an average age of 44 would be alive today. They also conclude using the Bradford-Hill criteria, that cardiac death after vaccination can be inferred using epidemiological criteria, in other words, unexplained cardiovascular deaths in the vaccinated with no prior antecedent disease are likely caused by vaccination. Explanatory article here.)

    • Cytokinopathy with aberrant cytotoxic lymphocytes and profibrotic myeloid response in SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine–associated myocarditis
      (Study of a clinical cohort consisting of 23 patients hospitalized for vaccine-associated myocarditis and/or pericarditis. A full 80% had not recovered by their 6 month followup, suggesting vaccine induced myocarditis is not “transient” as the FDA and CDC claim. Explanatory article here.)

    • Observed versus expected rates of myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: a population-based cohort study
      (“postmarketing studies have suggested an association between mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and myocarditis, among other adverse events after immunization, which has raised concern regarding the safety of mRNA vaccines, specifically among younger populations.” Study concludes that boys are at a higher risk of myocarditis with the 3rd Pfizer booster.)

    • Excess risk for acute myocardial infarction mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic
      (A study from scientists at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center showed an alarming rise in deadly heart attacks in the second year of the pandemic—which correlates to the vaccine rollout. Explanatory article here.)

    • Catecholamines Are the Key Trigger of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis: A Compelling Hypothesis Supported by Epidemiological, Anatomopathological, Molecular, and Physiological Findings!/
      (This study suggests adrenaline might be a trigger for sudden cardiac arrest in young people who have been given the C19 “vaccines.”)

    • Clinical outcomes of myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in four Nordic countries: population based cohort study
      (The authors worked for health departments of the four Nordic countries. They were tasked with looking at their entire populations, seeking out instances of myocarditis and reviewing vaccination records. In their countries: 530 people had myocarditis from the vaccine, 109 had myocarditis from Covid-19. As far as deaths: 27 persons died from vaccine myocarditis, 18 died from Covid-related myocarditis. Explanatory article here.)

    • Clinical cardiovascular emergencies and the cellular basis of COVID-19 vaccination: from dream to reality?
      (the cellular basis for the wide range of mechanisms the lead to cardiac arrest in a COVID-19 vaccinated person are described. Explanatory article here.)

    • SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and increased myocarditis mortality risk: A population based comparative study in Japan
      (The study concludes that the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is associated with a higher risk of myocarditis death in all age groups, including the elderly)

    • Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021
      (In this descriptive study of 1626 cases of myocarditis in a national passive reporting system, the crude reporting rates within 7 days after vaccination exceeded the expected rates across multiple age and sex strata. The rates of myocarditis cases were highest after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males aged 12-24)

    • Changes of ECG [EKG] parameters after BNT162b2 vaccine in the senior high school students
      (A report where both cardiac symptoms and ECG changes were recorded after the first and second injections. The results are alarming. After the second injection of mRNA 17.1% of students reported cardiovascular symptoms.)

    • Myopericarditis After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Among Adolescents and Young Adults
      (Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, reports heavy causalities with 854 adolescents in published studies suffering from myocarditis. The mean age was 16 years and 90% were boys and 74% of the time it occurred after the second dose. Hospitalization, always considered a serious adverse event occurred in 93% and 87% had late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) on cardiac MRI indicating inflammation and scar formation. Sixteen percent had left ventricular dysfunction (LVD) which is a precursor to heart failure. Both LVD and LGE are predictors of sudden cardiac death. While the studies in this analysis did not follow children over years, it can be inferred that some of these children will go on and suffer cardiac arrest and sudden death.)

    • Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post–COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis
      (Harvard School of Medicine, had 13 young boys and 3 girls hospitalized with myocarditis and available for study. All the subjects had large quantities of free circulating Spike protein generated from the vaccines while control subjects without myocarditis did not. The Spike protein they had, evaded the apparently sufficient library of antibodies that were supposed to neutralize it. Thus, it is possible that some persons do not make specific neutralizing antibodies after injection, and thus, the Spike protein is able to circulate and damage the body, specifically the heart muscle.)

    • Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination
      (Study found 20% of all “sudden deaths” happening shortly after COVID vaccination were caused by myocarditis. The study was done on an older population, meaning that that figure would likely be higher for a younger cohort. Study authors state: “During the last 20 years of autopsy service at Heidelberg University Hospital we did not observe comparable myocardial inflammatory infiltration.” Explanatory article here.)

    • Risks of myocarditis, pericarditis, and cardiac arrhythmias associated with COVID-19 vaccination or SARS-CoV-2 infection
      (“First, there was an increase in the risk of myocarditis within a week of receiving the first dose of both adenovirus and mRNA vaccines, and a higher increased risk after the second dose of both mRNA vaccines.” Also “Myocarditis is underdiagnosed in practice. Thus, our use of diagnostic codes for myocarditis from routine data suggest that the ascertainment of cardiac inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination is likely to be under-represented” and “vaccine mediated expression of SARS-CoV-2 surface spike protein on the surface of cardiomyocytes could potentially trigger an immunologic response resulting in organ-specific cell death”)

    • BNT162b2 Vaccine-Associated Myo/Pericarditis in Adolescents: A Stratified Risk-Benefit Analysis
      (A study out of Switzerland shows that vaccinated people have uniformly higher troponin levels than their unvaccinated peers. Explanatory video here)

    • Outcomes at least 90 days since onset of myocarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in adolescents and young adults in the USA: a follow-up surveillance study
      (Vaccine-induced myocarditis is not transient, creates ongoing problems in 31%)

    • Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave
      (Study shows a troubling correlation between vaccine doses and increased cardiac events from January–May 2021. The weekly emergency call counts were significantly associated with the rates of 1st and 2nd vaccine doses administered to this age group but were not with COVID-19 infection rates. When they tried to get data after May 2021, they were refused access. Explanatory article here.)

    • Cardiovascular Manifestation of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents
      (“In this observational [Thailand] study, clinically suspected myopericarditis was temporarily associated with the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in a small proportion of adolescent patients. The risk for these symptoms was found to be higher than reported elsewhere. Cardiovascular effects were found in 29.24% of patients, ranging from tachycardia, palpitation, and myo/pericarditis.” It also found an astonishing 3.5% rate of myo/pericarditis, including subclinical, among males.)

    • Age and sex-specific risks of myocarditis and pericarditis following Covid-19 messenger RNA vaccines
      (Study found increased risks of myocarditis and pericarditis during the first week following vaccination, and particularly after the second dose that can be up to 140 times normal.)

    • Risk of Myopericarditis following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in a Large Integrated Health System: A Comparison of Completeness and Timeliness of Two Methods
      (Study found a 1 in 1,862 rate of myocarditis after the second dose in young men ages 18 to 24. Explanatory article: “The true incidence of myopericarditis is markedly higher than the incidence reported to US advisory committees. The VSD should validate its search algorithm to improve its sensitivity for myopericarditis.”)

    • Risk of Myocarditis After Sequential Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine and SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Age and Sex
      (Study concludes that, for males under 40 years old, the risk of myocarditis from the injections is HIGHER than the risk of myocarditis from Covid infection.)

    • SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination-Associated Myocarditis in Children Ages 12-17: A Stratified National Database Analysis
      (Study showing that healthy boys have considerably higher chances of hospitalization with myocarditis than with COVID-19 respiratory illness even at peak prevalence. “Post-vaccination CAE rate [cardiac adverse events] was highest in young boys aged 12-15 following dose two.”)

    • Epidemiology of Acute Myocarditis/Pericarditis in Hong Kong Adolescents Following Comirnaty Vaccination
      (A study from Hong Kong found that for 1 out of 2,300 12-17 year-old boys who received both Pfizer doses suffered acute myocarditis or pericarditis.)

    • SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and Myocarditis in a Nordic Cohort Study of 23 Million Residents
      (“A team of researchers from health agencies in Finland, Denmark, Sweden,and Norway found that rates of myocarditis and pericarditis, two forms of potentially life-threatening heart inflammation, were higher in those who had received one or two doses of either mRNA-based vaccine – Pfizer’s or Moderna’s.”)

    • Myocarditis Following COVID-19 BNT162b2 Vaccination Among Adolescents in Hong Kong
      (“For the second dose, one out of every 4515 children developed myocarditis-related hospitalization.” In weighing the risk of myocarditis against the benefit of preventing severe COVID-19, Norway, the UK, Taiwan, and Hong Kong have suspended the second dose of mRNA vaccine for adolescents.)

    • Myocarditis and Pericarditis After Vaccination for COVID-19
      (“…myocarditis and pericarditis, were observed after COVID-19 vaccination. Myocarditis developed rapidly in younger patients, mostly after the second vaccination. Pericarditis affected older patients later, after either the first or second dose.”)

    • Abstract 10712: Observational Findings of PULS Cardiac Test Findings for Inflammatory Markers in Patients Receiving mRNA Vaccines
      (explanatory article: “Patients had a 1 in 4 risk for severe problems after the vaccines, compared to 1 in 9 before.”)

    • The Incidence of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in Post COVID-19 Unvaccinated Patients-A Large Population-Based Study
      (Israel study demonstrated that myocarditis in 2020 was not any more common that the low levels of baseline myocarditis from parvovirus, giant cell, and other conditions. It therefore rules out COVID-19 illness as a cause of fatal myocarditis, and is evidence that injection [of the “vaccine”] is more dangerous than natural infection of C19. Explanatory article here.)

    • COVID-19-Associated cardiac pathology at the postmortem evaluation: a collaborative systematic review
      (A systematic review of 50 autopsy studies and 548 hearts of patients who died of or with COVID-19. None of the hearts had extensive myocarditis as the cause of death, thus ruling out COVID-19 illness as a cause of fatal myocarditis. It’s evidence that injection [of the “vaccine”] is more dangerous than natural infection of C19. Explanatory article here.)

    • Adjuvants in COVID-19 vaccines: innocent bystanders or culpable abettors for stirring up COVID-heart syndrome
      (“The adjuvants used in COVID-19 vaccines can be categorized into five classes namely Aluminum salt-based, Emulsion-based, TLR agonists, Metabolic, Cell death, and Epigenetic. 15,22 Each of these adjuvants instigate different mechanisms that are ultimately responsible for onset of spectrum of cardiovascular diseases seen in COVID-19 patients and those receiving vaccination.” Explanatory article here.)

    • Arrhythmias after COVID-19 Vaccination: Have We Left All Stones Unturned?
      (“We report a case series of patients affected by cardiac arrhythmias post-mRNA vaccine from our clinical practice and the literature. Reviewing the official vigilance database, we found that heart rhythm disorders after COVID vaccination are not uncommon and deserve more clinical and scientific attention”)

    • Risks of Cardiac Arrhythmia Associated with COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
      (“cardiac arrhythmia post-COVID-19 vaccination is rare and ranges between 1 and 76 per 10,000.” However, for the record, 76 in 100,000 is not all that rare.)

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