If the yanks wanted to bomb the crap out of them, they wouldve...

  1. 930 Posts.
    If the yanks wanted to bomb the crap out of them, they wouldve done it last time. But u see its the same old story, the yanks use smart bombs to try to avoid civilian casualties, they get crucified, the iraqis go on a orgy of looting and murder... the do gooders dont say a word,

    Nice little story in the australian today from a Iraqi woman.
    She said in 1991, when she heard Saddams army was retreating from Iraq, she wept. ..Not for joy , but because she realised that he was going to survive and they were still under his control.

    They believed the US when they told the Iraqis to rise up against him. To their shame , the US never followed through, something i hope theyll do this time and finish the job and wash away that shameful time.

    From what i read, she wants the US to go in.
    If in 1991, the US were so hated because of their bombing , why did 15 out of the 18 Iraqi provinces rise up and not turn on the yanks, but turn on Saddam , and looked to their attackers (US) as liberators??

    you guys are so easily suckered by the bleeding hearts, they dont give a stuff about Iraqis, its just what works on the dopey public,they just want to see the yanks get cut down to size, never quite forgave the Yanks for the Berlin airlift or the collapse of the Soviet Union.......same old agenda as they had in the 60's.
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