Are we ready to admit covid vaccine dangers now?, page-176

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    Professor Robert Clancy explains why the whole "protecting others" was always a myth and why we're coming into a pandemic of the vaccinated. He sounds like he knows his stuff to me because I watched an interview with him and he's well up on the gut/lung axis.

    As for the so-called "bombshell" mid last year that a Pfizer rep admitted the product was never trialled to see if it could reduce the risk of transmission, the FDA made it very clear in their Q & A sheet before roll out. It was unknown if the Covid products could function as traditional vaccines at all.

    The CDC stopped tracking breakthrough infections end of April 2021 and the definition of a "vaccine" in Merriam-Webster changed twice accordingly. Common sense would tell you the Pfizer product (exclusively used in the real-world experiment on the Israeli population who were coerced with the nauseating Green Pass) did nothing to stop transmission because a third dose was rolled out after barely six months.

    You'll have surely heard a lot about "misinformation" about the Covid vaccines. That's why I tend to stick to primary documents as much as possible. "Misinformation" is bandied about to refer to any opinion or fact that goes against the "safe and effective" mantra. It's interesting (to me) if you trace to the source of much of it, you end up at the FDA.

    The "suspected" Covid cases in the Pfizer trial appeared only in the FDA report. This was immediately picked up by Senior Editor of the BMJ Peter Doshi who, along with other eminent scientists and physicians, sued to get access to the raw data. Most concerning of all, if what Mathew Crawford suspects (zero efficacy or worse disease) turns out to be the biggest smoking gun of all, then it's the FDA that put it into his hands:

    The ADCOMs are publicly available on YT where experts rip into "the science" (Note the Pfizer rep who couldn't be bothered to be in the same building or get his audio working, that's how much respect he had for the FDA) Computational biologist and viral immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose gained a huge following based on her presentation. She refers to the mRNA drugs as "This sh*t". Igor Chudov is a member of group on substack who's done considerable damage to the "safe and effective" narrative. He refers to the FDA as "HEROES".

    My eldest daughter is on immune suppressants for IBD, a condition that isn't even autoimmune. Please note people on immune suppressants were excluded from the trials, as were those who had caught and recovered from Covid:

    My daughter has had at least two boosters. Each time for her, is it all risk and no benefit? What happens if you've recovered from Covid and you get a shot of antibodies that are (refer to the document above) greater than the virus? Could that cause a hyperinflammatory response? Is such a response more likely in children under ten who have a stronger innate immune system?

    Here's a clip of a VERY nervous Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr. John Gerrard at a press conference assuring us they're "keeping a close eye on" people dropping dead from myocarditis. Note how he corrects himself from "a few reports" to "reports":

    My question to you is this: Do you think the phenomenon Dr. Gerrard is referring to could be MIS with high troponin levels?

    Note from the TGA document, CD4 and CD8 biomarkers in those who recovered from Covid. We also have the same findings in people who recovered from SARS1. Top UK cardiologist Aseem Malhotra says that pushing Covid vaccines onto people who have recovered from Covid is "beyond criminal".

    As for the mantra that the Covid shots "keep you out of hospital". As they don't reduce transmission, they're a prophylactic therapy and the gold standard PE for any therapy is all cause mortality. None of the original trials had the correct PE. The mRNA shots showed zero efficacy in ACM in the original trials against alpha. The Pfizer product showed absolutely no benefit in all cause mortality and morbidity. The six month data showed more deaths in the treatment group, not statistically significant but may have become so, if they hadn't got rid of the control group.

    I'm the only person I know who hasn't had a Covid shot. I and my daughter caught it from a triple jabbed friend in April last year. It certainly wasn't mild but it wasn't the worst flu I've had. My triple jabbed friend had a much worse time. My daughter had to go to hospital, caught Covid again a few months later and had to see a paramedic in England.

    I see triple and quadruple jabbed friends and relatives repeatedly coming down with infections. My youngest daughter (who escaped IBD) has always been in the most robust health. Not any more. Whatever virus is circulating in Melbourne and in Devon, England (where my extended family lives) is so common, people don't bother to test any more and sometimes go out and about with symptoms. The mantra has become: "We need to learn to live with Covid".

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