Signs that you may be in denial and require help:1. You watch...

  1. 1,741 Posts.
    Signs that you may be in denial and require help:

    1. You watch CNBC and take the analysts seriously.
    2. You never short anything
    3. You "buy in gloom"
    4. You think the U.S economy is fine and dandy
    5. You have never bothered to question valuations
    6. You are buying stock now because it has fallen in price
    7. You think the market is suppose to bounce somewhere
    8. You tell yourself things like "the market always goes up long term"
    9. You didnt see the market top yet believe you can pick the bottom
    10. You think the market will rebound like it did post Sept 11
    11. You think NCP is cheap
    12. You think banks will not fall because some idiot without any analytical skills tell you so
    13. You werent in the market in 1987 or else you didnt learn the lesson
    14. You have never seen a bear market before and dont know what one looks like
    15. You are bullish when there is absolutely no reason to buy stocks
    16. You are too greedy and too stupid to sell
    17. You cant define "capitulation"

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