are you prepared for peak oil, page-16

  1. 1,127 Posts.

    Yes you're right about getting closr to Hell every day if you live in Sydney. I only visit when I have to _ the transport system stinks. TV showed people standing in smelly hot carriages( only 4 available,govt has no money) great lumbering things that crawl along at a snail,s pace. The old tram system was wonderful in the 40s & 50s- a line of trams whisked you out to Uni or down to the quay from the steam platform in minutes. Now you wait with a bunch of other angry people to be jerked & hurled about-you cant see where they're going because other cars are in the way. You knew exactly where every tram was going from half a mile away even if you were old- had a system of different coloured dots,crosses,diamonds(?) usually red,blue, green.The oil cos conspired with the state govt to destroy 2000 tram cars& miles tramlines. The Standard Oil Co, Firestone Tyres etc. got together in about 1918 to rip up all streetcar systems in us cities-about 180. Now there's no trams or interurbans left... yes I know there's a tourist tram in N Orleans. Now karma has caught up withém. You cant compare the oddly routed Lilyfield tram with the proper system we had before. And yes, I know the trams sometimes fell into the harbour at the Zoo & in Balmain which had steep SanFrancisco like streets, but nobody died & they dragged them out & back on the tracks within hours. Didnt take months & years to fix things up like today. I dont know why Captain Cook bothered sometimes--British Rail & its successors do a much better job than the idiots in State
    Rail in Sydney. They dont even have a luggage dept anymore- some foréigner with little command of English & no manners snaps his fingers at you at you in some bl@#dy backpacker's hostel. Bring in a few Swiss or German experts from a civilized country who really know how to run a railway- or tramway. You have to experience a Zurich tram in operation( all the lights are synchronized & the cars HAVE to wait until you sail by majestically)or travel or a Swiss mountain railway to see what a real pleasure rail travel is. Train a grande vitesse in Oz? Forget it. What do these b#@ms do with the money?????
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