Are you prepared to die the the banksters, global elite and Zionists?, page-4

  1. 2,858 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 513
    Let's see...1/ The banksters are behind every war... read "War is a Racket" by Smedley Butler.

    2/ To the Australian people's great shame, Australia is already supporting genocide being committed by Zionist Israel on the Palestinians in Gaza, assisting in the bombing of war ravaged Yemen because Yemen tried to stop the slaughter by impacting the perpetrators economically. I personally would like to see some of our decision makers charged with war crimes. It might make them think twice about participating in wars started by the US and GB that have nothing to do with Australia.

    3/ All out war with Russia? Why? a) Russia (not the US or British) defeated the Nazis in WW2 losing 27 million of its countrymen and women. Surely the world owes Russia a great debt. b) by their own admission, Ukraine, France, Germany, US and GB lied and double crossed Russia in the 2014 Minsk agreements, using the time to build up the Ukraine military in preparation for war with Russia. c) from 2014 Ukraine started killing it's own people in the Donbas region. These are Russian speaking Ukrainian people with Russian culture and Russia felt obligated to help protect them and did so. The US, GB, France and Germany were seemingly happy to stand by and see thousands of innocent people killed. d) NATO has threatened Russian border security by continually pushing east to the Russian border. Russia has said "no more", and fair enough.

    Australia has no beef with Russia. This would be just another case of blindly following the war mongering USA and GB to do their dirty work for them in another war that does not have to happen.

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