GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

are you strong enough

  1. 381 Posts.
    got this from another forum, our time is near!

    Confusion reigns in the ranks this evening...............

    Think on this point for a moment.... Whether you have just arrived, or have been stacking your whole life..... maybe it's even an intergenerational thing in your family...... who knows........ it doesn't matter..........

    I would scream this at the top of my lungs, but that would entail using all caps........ that is just annoying.........

    Newbies listen for a moment, and "experienced members" think really hard on this point for a few moments.......

    Market Psychology - July/August
    Always a rough time of year for Precious Metals investors and Collectors. The charts tell that story and that we just have to accept. That is part of the game..... For those who have been conversing on the subject for years, you realize that the mindset gets this way in this market, cyclically.

    "WE" as a group are confused because the current chart is showing up something we are either not used to seeing (in it's current form) or VERY uncomfortable with.

    Regardless of what the media is saying, things are bad right now..... REGARDLESS of what the media is saying!!!!!! (Remember, I work in Broadcasting and have for many years).......

    But what is the use of all of that information? Simple, it is the current triggers that transfer wealth from weak to strong hands....... While I don't go full in for the "conspiracy" theories out there, I do put some credence in the Manipulations and "rigging" of the market right now. I do believe the hands of government are reaching farther into places than we realize. However, you wouldn't expect them to go down without a fight, right?

    I firmly believe that gold will hold at or near the $880 level in Asia overnight, maybe we'll even gain some...... but who really cares about that? This is the season....... gear up........ we'll be on the hunt very soon........

    And to everyone........ You either bought gold to collect, hoard, accumulate, hedge, or make quick dollars. Those of you here to make quick dollars...... You have got the wrong idea......... that is, if you bought in too high...... Think about the following:

    If you bought PM's to play against the dollar, or to "make quick money", say, 'round Feb or March of this year, I feel for you but, Do the homework...... the overall cycles are pretty clear, if you look at the charts and don't pay attention to the price in any particular year...... LOOK for the largest or maybe 2nd largest down arrow each year............ My best advice to you:

    NOW is the time to cost average that purchase down..........

    To Long-timers, lets keep our heads here........ Market Psychology, July/August....... a season for the transfer of wealth from weak to strong hands. Remember that the largest stacks, are theoretically held by real strong hands......... Do you have strong hands, or weak?

    Read the charts, do the homework, be strong.......... If gold is to rise to the heights and status that many believe, there will be discomfort along the way. Right now, there is a lot of heads and hands at work making that whole crazy world go round........

    Nobody said anything about this being smooth.....
    One thing that has to be expected is that regardless of the dollar figures, the percentages would stay somewhat within frame....... Just because it looks bigger or different on the chart, doesn't make it so. Expect larger waves, more violent tremors, as the battle is fought out on the street........ Those big money boys can play a little bit harder than the rest of us........ and it's a whole bunch of HIGHLY competitive Type A personalities thrown into a big ol' circle and a-looking for a fight.... for supremacy....... and yes, they broke many toys as kids too........ things tend to get a little tense.......... Let them fight the fight...... sit back, watch, and stick with what you can have faith in. Good honest money, Honest store of wealth.

    Now put down the chart......... go back to whatever you were doing...... you know, not on the computer?......... enjoy the summer if you are in the Northern Hemisphere right now........... Winter's coming in New York....... and it's gonna be a nasty ugly freeze this year........... Expect many cold winds to blow........ The boat's just rolling back and forth right now......... But you might want to get it into safe harbor, 'cause the waves are a comin. The overall market is going to get worse before it gets better....

    It is the time of the season to "Lay it in deep and tall".........
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