DEG 1.31% $1.94 de grey mining limited

Here is the latest broker report from Argonaut covering...

  1. 683 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 431
    Here is the latest broker report from Argonaut covering yesterday's Crow announcement.

    "More broadly, Argonaut sees potential for the Mallina Project to grow beyond 10Moz within 2-4 years"

    "Under a mining scenario, Hemi would support a large scale, low strip open pit, which we believe could be staged with initial grades up to 2g/t Au.".
    I think this is a critical point. The grades from Crow yesterday will provide great feedstock for initial mine planning to boost the economics.

    Also, look at the untested interpreted trend of the sub-vertical lode in Exhibit 3 and the scale comparison to the Super Pit in Exhibit 4.

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$1.93 $1.95 $1.91 $8.688M 4.510M

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9 79652 $1.93

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$1.94 16315 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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