Armageddon is near., page-8

  1. 10,405 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2056
    Yes, Armageddon is near, but it is nothing like what the lie in the Bible says.
    It has nothing to do with war diseases and natural disasters.
    Armageddon means the reveal of the truth about the lies of religion, it means the end of religion as people learn about the historic truth, the all-knowing, the truth about what God truly is.
    Armageddon happens when the truth about our true creation and purpose on Earth is revealed, and when that happens the fighting will stop hunger will not exist and Earth will essentially be heaven as only those who accept the 5th dimension of reality can live on earth known as Gaia.
    Armageddon is the removal of 3-dimensional duality thinking and living along with those who refuse to evolve.
    The end of religion is coming, and it is very soon.
    It will start with internet-based media outlets being created and talking about the truth about religions our evolution aliens and spirituality, and these will be numerous and will reach hundreds of million more people compared to just a few million people at present.
    It is going to be massive and everyone on the planet will hear about it in some form and when mainstream media start talking about what these media outlets are saying more people will look into it even though the mainstream media will call it conspiracy theories while making fun of people.
    The governments and religions will not tell the truth, so it is going to happen in a massive way with the help of those with a job to do, the second coming of Christ, and that is to help humanity wake up to the truth through alternative media in all forms.
    Just before Christmas the 21st of December the massive alternative media bombardment of the truth will happen, the second coming of Christ.
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