Article in Melbourne "Sun" newspaper, page-3

  1. 10,373 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    re: Article in Melbourne Delta

    Far be it from me to start rumours, so will only state the facts:

    Article is headlined

    A Financial Adviser stalked his hairdresser.........., a court heard yesterday.

    Graeme Finn, 36.........

    The GEELONG father of three......

    Mr Finn pleaded guilty to stalking ANOTHER person.....

    To pull it all together you need to firstly think back to last year when a HC member told the forum his ex had taken him to court on a stalking charge. Then do a search of that person's posts of 23 May.
    That person (who also listed his occupation on HC personal dets. as a financial adviser) got into a slinging match and the other party involved mentions two street names of where he claimed our HC's FA worked.
    One street has only 5 entries in he Melbourne Melways, and one of those is in GEELONG. The other street named is about 50 yards away from the first named, confirmed GEELONG as the location

    There was another (long) thread last night in which our learned friend mentions seeing our FA in court.

    All very coincidental imho

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