pints, Your endless Fox(not) News videos are just talking heads...

  1. 9,042 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1064

    Your endless Fox(not) News videos are just talking heads running cover for Mr Trump. They don't actually want the truth revealed.

    Of course some Republicans will criticise the FBI, mostly low level nobody's begging/hanging on for a Trump high 5 or endorsement. Where are the big dogs on this, Mitch, Mark.... Hello, you guys there?

    Link a video of a Dem criticizing the FBI, I've not seen one. Seems like a time to keep your mouth closed if you're a Dem, so if they are pretty stupid play I'd have thought. Politicians are not all smart people though.

    The main content of these videos is a favorite play by you guys, whataboutism, but but but Hillary, but but but FBI, but but but DOJ, but but but Hunter....

    Cool, so let's investigate this issue then get to the rest , but you don't want to investigate this issue just the rest. It's embarrassing, smacks of hypocrisy and shows what hacks you lot are.

    Be safe on your morning walk with only one eye open.
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