AVQ 0.00% 2.5¢ axiom mining limited

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    The ann was on the 14th, plus up to 5 trading days which is Thursday 21st at the latest.

    Dear Mr Zheng Li,
    Re: Request for Voluntary Suspension
    In accordance with Listing Rule 17.2, the Board of Axiom Mining Limited (�Axiom�) hereby
    requests that its securities be suspended from quotation in order to manage its continuous
    disclosure obligations in compliance with Listing Rules 3.1, 3.1A and 3.1B.
    Axiom will not be in a position to make an announcement to the market as anticipated within
    the maximum period permitted under the current trading halt.
    Axiom requests the voluntary suspension to enable it to finalise negotiations and conclude
    agreements in respect of its current reported business activities, the nature of which are
    particularly sensitive, and to provide details to the market before those negotiations and
    agreements are concluded may seriously impact on the commercial outcomes for Axiom.
    Axiom is not aware of any reason why its securities should not be suspended in the
    circumstances of this request.
    Axiom expects that the suspension of its securities will be required for up to 5 trading days in
    which time the negotiations and agreements should be concluded. At that time, Axiom will
    make a detailed announcement to make the market appropriately informed.
    If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact Mr Stephen Williams,
    Chairman on (02) 9225 2516 in the absence of the writer on Axiom business overseas.
    Yours faithfully,
    Ryan Mount
    Chief Executive Officer
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Currently unlisted public company.

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